Based on the worldwide hit movie starring Jack Black, School of Rock the Musical follows the wannabe rock star, Dewey-Finn, fresh from being booted out of his beloved band, trying to make ends meet by posing as a substitute music teacher at an elite prep school.
Unaccustomed to any type of formal tuition, yet alone the expectations of one of America’s finest educational institutions, Dewey raises quite a few eyebrows with his ‘unique’ teaching technique.
However, what he finally uncovers within the pupils is an insane desire and passion for all things rocking out! He eventually convinces the principal, Miss Mullins, albeit with a twinkle in his eye, to let them enter for an upcoming rock competition and the School of Rock is born.
With the deadline of the ‘Battle of the Bands’ looming, will the band be ready in time, will Dewey even be allowed to continue using his controversial tutoring techniques and will the kids live up to the high expectations expected from them..?
With 14 brand new musical numbers from Andrew Lloyd Webber, all the original songs from the hit movie, and a band of insanely talented kids performing their hearts out, you’ll definitely feel that ‘You’re in the Band’ both on stage and off!
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