There isn’t one! There are lots of different things to consider when looking at what settling method will be best for your child. I look at your child’s age, your parenting style and most importantly your child’s personality and temperament. Some children are more sensitive and need a slow and gradual approach to learning to self settle but others are more independent and find their parent’s presence too stimulating so a completely different approach would be needed. There is no one size fits all.
Firstly and most importantly, I never use the cry it out method. My methods are all centred around the child and being fully responsive. When making any changes to a baby’s routine, crying can occur as that is their way of communicating but my methods always allow for a parent to respond to their child’s needs.
There are a lot of different things to consider when a little one is taking a long time to settle. We are aiming for your child to fall asleep within 5 to 20 minutes. When working with my families, I would start with the sleep foundations, so I would be looking at the sleep environment, the nap and bedtime routine, their day sleep and wake windows before moving on to how they fall asleep. Check out my free sleep guide here all about the sleep foundations! It is amazing the impact just having those sleep foundations in place can have!
When I start working with a new family, once I have received your sleep questionnaire and sleep log we will have a 90 minute consultation where we will create a sleep plan together which is completely tailored to your child. It will also take into account normal day to day life, for instance school runs, baby groups, work hours and nursery. Depending on the sleep support package that has been booked, once the sleep plan has been sent your follow up support will commence. I offer phone call support and daily WhatsApp Support (7am-9pm) so I can be there every step of the way! As the sleep support progresses, I make tweaks and next steps as needed.
At the end of the sleep support package I not only aim to have achieved your sleep goals, I also aim to ensure you feel empowered and confident going forward with your little one’s sleep. I never want a parent to feel trapped at home because of naps or unable to have a fun day out. I make sure you have the skills in place so you can be flexible with sleep on those days.
Yes! I am one of just a handful of certified Autism Sleep Coaches in the UK. Up to 80% of children with Autism struggle with their sleep. I have personally seen through my teaching career the impact sleep deprivation can have on the child and their family. Traditional sleep methods can have very little impact on sleep for a child with Autism or it can even make it worse! I am trained to look at your child’s unique needs and to create a bespoke sleep plan that will help your child (and you!) get a better night’s sleep.
Book a free, no obligation discovery call with me today here and let’s chat! You can also find me on Instagram here. By this time next month your little one’s sleep could be transformed like the families below!
“So many good things to say! Transformed my baby’s sleep in a super supportive, kind, gentle and loving way . It really is possible – no tears, no stressful routines – worked an absolute treat for us and I would recommend Lauren and Lullaby Bear to absolutely everyone . Best present I’ve ever treated myself to! “
“I would highly recommend Lauren, as I put it, she is like a little fairy godmother in your pocket.”
I look forward to talking soon!
Get in Touch:
Via Instagram: @lullabybearsleep
Email: [email protected]
To book your FREE Discovery Call – click here.
*This is a sponsored blog post written by Lauren from Lullaby Bear Sleep Support.
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