Pure Chiropractic Bournemouth

Pure Chiropractic is an independently owned, family practice. Our female-led team of Chiropractors and Massage therapists offer specialised Chiropractic Care & Massage for everyone throughout pregnancy, birth and beyond.

During pregnancy your body changes immensely. Chiropractic care can help alleviate Lower Back Pain, Pelvic Pain, Pubic Symphysis pain and chest pain which you may experience during your pregnancy. Our gentle approach is also suitable for your baby, their development and daily function is controlled by the nervous system and the cranial nerves. If these nerves get compressed a baby may struggle with things like constipation, reflux and irritability.

The aim of Chiropractic Care is to restore proper function of the nervous system through correction of the spinal alignment and cranial bones. This is so the body has the capacity to heal and function at its best.

If you would like to know more about how Chiropractic Care & Massage can help you and your baby, get in touch here for a complimentary chat with one of our Chiropractors.

01202 463 405
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