Tone and tighten weak pelvic floor muscles with the right exercises
You know the feeling, you avoid laughing or sneezing too hard in case you wee yourself a little. You are definitely not alone, most mums experience similar symptoms at some point or another after giving birth.
But although the subject of many jokes, a weak pelvic floor isn’t a laughing matter. If left untreated, the symptoms can last for the rest of your life and worsen as you grow older.
The good news is, it is definitely a treatable condition. I’ve mentioned in a previous blog how you can access the support of a local Women’s Health Physio. Read more about it here.
Mandy Bunting is a local mum, personal trainer as well as yoga and pilates teacher who runs Hypopressives workshops in Poole, Dorset. She explains below how these can help you.
Hypopressives – What is it all about?
Looking to run & jump around with your kids or grandkids? Or take up a new exercise class? But worried about leaks? I have 3 Pelvic Floor workshops coming soon where you can learn about your pelvic floor & some moves that you can do to help revive it! Hypopressives can help with the following issues;
- Incontinence – stress & urge
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- Weak core
- Diastasis Recti (ab separation)
- Hernias
- Back pain
- Poor posture
- Breathing issues
- Hyper & hypotonic pelvic floor
- Sexual health & dysfunction
Hypopressives is extensively used in Europe, Canada & Brazil often to help women after the birth of their babies – whether the baby is 6 months or 30 years old! The term Hypopressives means – Low Pressure and is also known as Low-Pressure Fitness. It is a series of postural and breathing exercises that work on your posture & breathing habits, that creates tone in your ‘core’ & pelvic floor without increasing pressure in your abdominal & pelvic floor area.
Your ’core’ is like a can – with the Diaphragm at the top, the Pelvic Floor at the bottom & the sides/font/back are your Multifidus & Transversus Abdominals (TVA). Your Pelvic Floor should mirror the movement of your Diaphragm, however, due to our daily sitting habits and postural habits, this movement is reduced or minimised and weakened over time. If we are slouched all day with restricted breathing we can be exerting pressure with our breath but not have the strength to support it. Or if you have had any abdominal surgery including C-Section you might have adhesions or scarring that restrict the gliding & engagement of your core muscles.
Diastasis Recti (ab separation)
This can be caused by pregnancy, but not always. It is a separation between the right & left sides of the Rectus Abdominis (6 pack muscles) & also the tone of the connective tissue beneath.
We will assess the tone of your abdominal area (Diastasis Recti check) and the tone of your diaphragm. You will learn about your Pelvic Floor & go through the breath technique as well as some of the postures. You will have some practice notes for you to take away.
If you know that you have any of the above conditions, but really want to work to improve them so that you can go about your life more comfortably this might be of interest to you. Hypopressives allows you to work gently on your core, without putting extra pressure on weakened areas.
This is a great alternative to Kegels if you have found that they don’t work for you. I also explain how to do a Kegel correctly!
Discounted price to Poole Mumbler readers: £30 (normally £40), maximum of 6 attendees. Simply quote ‘Poole Mumbler’ when you book your space.
Next workshop:
Saturday, 8th February 2020 9:30 am – 11:30 am.
To book your place please call 07917753212.